A devastating incident unfolded when a charter bus, transporting members of a Long Island high school band, crashed and overturned on an upstate New York highway on Thursday. The incident resulted in at least one fatality and numerous injuries, leaving the community in shock.
In response to the tragedy, New York Governor Kathy Hochul expressed heartfelt condolences, stating, "Our hearts are with all who are impacted by this horrific situation." She also took swift action by directing personnel from the New York State Police and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to provide assistance to local emergency response teams on-site.
The ill-fated bus was carrying an estimated 25 to 30 passengers, primarily students from Farmingdale High School, en route to a band camp in Greeley, Pennsylvania, as reported by WABC.
The calamity unfolded as the coach veered off I-84 near Wawayanda in Orange County, shortly before 1:30 p.m. Tragically, one passenger, believed to be an adult, lost their life, and five minors sustained critical injuries, according to preliminary reports.
The passengers included members of the Farmingdale High School band, a group boasting over 300 students, as confirmed by officials from the Long Island school. Among the six buses traveling in the group, one overturned during the accident.
Footage from the scene reveals that the bus likely descended partway down an embankment before coming to rest on its side.
At this time, Farmingdale High School has refrained from offering further comments on the situation.
Reports indicate that the students had planned to attend the band camp from Thursday through Sunday, making the incident even more distressing for the community and their families.