Petition Filed to Commute Death Sentence of Idaho Inmate Thomas Creech


Boise, IDAHO — Attorneys representing Thomas Creech, a death row inmate in Idaho, have submitted a petition seeking to commute his death sentence to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. This move comes in response to the issuance of a death warrant for Creech's execution, as reported by KTVB last week. The 11-page petition, filed on October 13, contends that Creech should be spared from execution and argues for the opportunity to present his case during a hearing.

The petition highlights the stance of the judge who initially sentenced Creech to death row, emphasizing that the judge does not see a justification for carrying out the execution, deeming it to be an act of vengeance.

It provides instances of Creech's positive interactions with prison staff and asserts that he has demonstrated himself to be an "exemplary inmate" who would thrive if resentenced to life imprisonment. The document references a 2021 IDOC (Idaho Department of Correction) report, which indicates that Creech's last disciplinary offense was recorded in 1994, and since then, he has only received one.

Furthermore, the petition contends that executing Creech would have adverse effects on the mental health of prison staff. It also argues that his presence serves as a positive influence on other inmates, and ending his life would be a loss to the prison community.

The petition concludes by urging the commission to grant a hearing to allow for the presentation of all evidence supporting Creech's placement in life imprisonment as an alternative to execution.

In 1983, Creech pleaded guilty to first-degree murder for killing a fellow inmate in 1981 while already incarcerated. This led to his initial death sentence.

Additionally, Creech was responsible for two murders in Valley County in 1974 and was initially sentenced to death for those crimes. However, his sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment.

Creech was serving this life sentence when he murdered fellow inmate David Jensen.

Over the years, Creech's case has undergone numerous appeals. The most recent and final appeal was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week, resulting in the issuance of the death warrant.

Creech's execution by lethal injection is scheduled for November 8.